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Collaborate While Developing


Feel What It’s Like To

Be in the Band

Play and Learn


Bucketeers is a mobile drum school that is dedicated
to helping children as young as three years old
discover the joy of music.

We’re a music-based enrichment program that fosters creativity, teamwork, and listening skills in young children.

Our mission is to bring out the inner percussionist in every child.

Andy Ziker

Founder / Drummer / Teacher / Author

The Unique Benefits of Bucketeers

We believe in providing a fun, engaging environment for our students. Bucketeers helps children forge a foundation in rhythm, play with a steady pulse, and participate in collaborative movement activities. Students hone their hand-eye coordination, increase their self-discipline and attentional focus, and gain an understanding of both melody and song structure. Students play along with a diverse set of music: children’s, pop, rock, jazz, and multi-genre songs in several languages incorporating rhythms & patterns from around the world. Each class doubles as a rehearsal building towards an end-of-semester performance in front of friends and family.

Ready to find out more?