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Cantera Montessori School – Winter-Spring 2025

Winter-Spring 2025

Day/Time: Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:00 PM. (Note the different time for this session only.)

Instructor: Kieran Krebs

Ages: 2.5 +

Schedule: 7 Classes (2/19-4/16) Feb 19, 26 March 5, 26 April 2, 9, 16 (Price includes $20 processing fee.)

No class on March 12 and March 19.

Location: The Multi-Purpose Room

Performance: End of the semester on May 29 (on the last day of class for the upcoming Spring Session).

Sibling Discount Code: SIB15 (Good for one session at a time. Does not include siblings from past sessions and the discount can be used once per set of siblings.)

Prorated Discount—Apply one of the following codes for planned absences such as vacations. (Only planned vacations apply.)
One missed class = tex1
Two missed classes = tex2
Three missed classes = tex3

Discount codes are applied at checkout.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

In the case of force majeure (such as schools closing/moving to virtual learning because of the pandemic), weekly instruction will be offered in the form of YouTube videos or Zoom classes.



Kieran Krebs

Kieran Krebs owns Overcast Recordings, a studio near Austin,Texas, where he acts as a producer/mixing engineer. Kieran’s primary instrument is guitar, although working in the studio, he has become proficient on piano, bass, and drum set. He currently plays in a rock band in Austin area called Ritual Club. Kieran taught Pre-K and 5th grade for four years in the Austin Independent School District. He is fluent in both English and Spanish.