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Fairwood Explorer – Spring 2025

Spring 2025

Day/Time: Fridays from 12:40 to 1:25 PM. Kinders are picked up at 12:25 PM and start class ASAP.

Ages: TK-3rd Grade

Schedule: 10 Classes (3/21–5/30): March 21, 28 April 4, 11, 25 May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Price includes processing/facilities fee of $25.)

Location: The Arts Room

Instructor: Andy Ziker

Performance: May 30 at 12:40 PM in the Arts Room.

Students are encouraged (it’s not mandatory) to wear a Bucketeers tee shirt to each class and these are available on the website for $15. If your child already has one from a previous session, it’s not necessary to buy another.

Sibling Discount Code: SIB20 (Good for one session at a time. Does not include siblings from past sessions and the discount can be used once per set of siblings.)

Discount codes are applied at checkout.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

In the case of force majeure (such as schools closing/moving to virtual learning because of the pandemic), weekly instruction will be offered in the form of YouTube videos or Zoom classes.



Andy Ziker

Andy Ziker is a longtime educator and professional musician and founded Bucketeers in 2014. Andy has authored 14 drum instruction books and three children’s books. He has taught private drum set lessons to children & adults for 35 years and taught 4th grade and middle school science in the public schools. Andy has a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from Arizona State University. He currently plays in a popular Santa Cruz area rock cover band called Spun and teaches private drum lessons at The Rhythm Academy of San Jose.